Why Would Our World End if the Laws of Marketing Disappeared?

Learn with firsthand experiences.

Anwesha Banerjee
10 min readMay 3, 2021

Hey, I'm stuck with this assignment. How do I complete it?

Nike’s Tagline (Source — hubspot.com)

If you don't understand what I'm saying, please google it before I continue. I'm going to talk about this for some time. It is about perception, brand, and marketing.

What do you think makes a brand or business more demanding?

Great products and services.

Yeah, right. But is that all?

What if you have the best services and products but no one has any clue about them? Will it sell?


What is the point of making the best products, then, if no one is buying them? No clues, right?

If you start to market your brand and business, everyone will learn about them.

Are you a business owner or an eager person who wants to learn marketing? Then this article is for you.

But how will you do marketing? Let's talk about it.

The Fundamentals of Marketing

A person is shocked

It is the ultimate mantra of marketing.

But if I ask the opposite, ‘Jo Nehi Dikhega, Wo Kaise Bikega?’

What will be the answer? Okay, let me answer it.

Nehi bikega, it will not sell.

If you want to sell your product, you have to showcase them to the world and make them buy it. And this is marketing. But this is not so easy.

“You have to tell a story before you sell a story.”

- Beth Comstock

It also applies to Marketing. Marketing starts before making the product. You have to understand your customers first. Then you will make the product.

People only see the product they want to buy.

Let me give you an example.

The Zoom app was launched in 2011. At that time, it was only for corporate use, such as for conferences and meetings.

But the Covid situation and the unending lockdown have made it necessary for us. This situation was an opportunity for them to grab a new target.

They noticed customers' need for endless conversations with their friends, families, colleagues, and offices. In 2020, Zoom made 300 million users from 10 million. It has now ranked #1 in public reviews!

Masks with a phone and Zoom’s logo (Source- Google Image)

Now, the right product goes to the right person at the right time.

  • Takeaway: Marketing always starts before creating the product. It has to wait for the potential market.

In this Covid pandemic situation, we are all bound to our homes. So, we need to stay in touch with the outside world. Meetings, webinars, video chatting, and talking have been our relief.

We already had Skype, Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Google Meet, and WhatsApp Video calling to do that. But then, how did Zoom snatch all the light?

First, Zoom introduced a feature called Meet Now that lets users join without downloading the app. You don't need to sign in, either! You can open it using your favorite browser.

Secondly, It is free to use. You can link up to 100 people together for 40 minutes!

Thirdly, It is fast and smooth, even in remote areas where internet connections are weak.

Fourthly, it is very close to users. They can express their ideas about what they need or don't need.

That's how it works!

  • Takeaway: Marketing is not solely about selling. It also involves keeping customers happy so that they will remain customers for life.

But it was not a paved path for the Zoom app. It has flaws like security problems. One of the most intriguing issues was Zoombombing.

Every Zoom call has an ID number. Researchers discovered that the IDs were easily guessed by hackers, who were invading users' security.

At first, I thought using this app would be risky. But in the Zoom 5.0 update, the company activated end-to-end encryption to secure our calls.

  • Takeaway: Marketing is experimentation. It is science-based, not on creativity.

Now, Zoom calls are a household thing. When we want to make a video call, we say, " Let's meet on Zoom. " We also say, " Let's have a Coke, " or, " I need three Xeroxes of that page. " Zoom has now become a brand, and we are its brand ambassadors.

And now the

  • The final Takeaway is that a great product converts your customers into brand ambassadors. Word-of-mouth marketing is the best marketing channel.

Do you understand the fundamentals of marketing?

Okay. Let's talk about some different kinds of Marketing.

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

There is no business without Marketing. That means Marketing has always been there when there is business.

It is tough to categorize Marketing.

We can simplify Marketing in two ways, which are with the internet and without the internet.

Marketing with the internet is Online Marketing or Digital Marketing, and without the internet is Traditional Marketing.

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing (Source- Google Image)

Do you remember handbills, flyers, posters, product-selling calls, newspapers, radio ads, and TV ads? These are examples of Traditional Marketing.

And now you are watching the uprising of the internet.

Which one is more effective?

In this digital era, Digital Marketing is the conqueror.

No. It isn't right.

Traditional Marketing has many flaws like, you cannot personalize the communication. You cannot do Natural Sales or Deep Marketing.

But if it is done right, it can do miracles.

Trust is the primary element of Marketing. Traditional Marketing can achieve that with ease. Because people still want to communicate in person.

In Traditional Marketing, it is easy to grab the local audience.

But that doesn't mean that Digital Marketing is weak or far behind. It is a new and powerful medium of Marketing.

It is low cost. There is a chance of a massive return in Digital Marketing.

Most of all, it makes the world into a global village.

  • Takeaway: Both ways of Marketing are relevant. It depends on them to make it useful who uses their powers.

You may have heard of SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, or Marketing Automation.

They are some components of Digital Marketing. We need them to run and grow our business effectively.

Do we need to learn Marketing firsthand?

Because Marketing secures the life of your brand or business, and it understands human psychology.

That is what we need to sell our products and services.

Marketing brings flows in sales.

Now, the question is how.

We do marketing for our products. People find interest in our products, and they invest their money to buy the products.

That's how it works, and that's how we get flows in our sales.

But don't we need to control the flows?

Yeah, definitely!

Now, what controls it?

A funnel.

So, we need a funnel here to control our customers' interests and control our sales.

That's why Digital Deepak, the №1 Digital Marketer in India, invented one such funnel named CATT Marketing Funnel.

CATT Marketing Funnel

Let me ask you a question first. What is the important thing in Marketing according to you?

CONTENT is the most important thing.

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”

_ Andrew Davis

This is the truth behind the CATT Marketing Funnel also.

Try to compare it with your life. Do you feel attracted to everything you see?

No. You only pay attention when you see good content.

The quality of the content builds trust in your mind.

Then you pay for it.

That's how the company makes revenue and makes a brand.

Deepak Kankaraju made a formula to simplify this process.

That is Wealth = n^CATT

Here, n stands for niche

C- Content

A- Attraction

T- Trust

T- Transaction

CATT Funnel

Let's understand this formula with simple examples.

I was looking for an app that would track my period days. So, the Niche is Period Tracker here. That would solve my problem. So, niche is the problem that the company or the brand is solving.

So, I googled about it and came to the flo website. I started to read their blogs, and the content was very informative, impressive, and relatable.

I came to know that they have an app also. I installed it.

Flo App image (Source- Google Image)

So, the contents attracted me to do that.

I can track my period days free here.

But they had many more to offer.

It helps with proper diet and workout per person.

You can consult with Medical Experts and doctors directly if needed.

They have secret chats for asking private questions anonymously.

I was delighted with their concept. And I start to trust the app.

I was ready to pay for good quality services, so I took the subscription, which means the transaction happened.

Now, it is clear that the CATT Funnel is the way to make your customer buy the product or service.

  • Takeaway- Marketing is just a game of developing trust.

But how does it work?

Integrated Digital Marketing

Yes, this is the answer.

You have the option to use any component of Digital Marketing, such as email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, etc.

But when you have a chance to use them all, strengthening your brand and increasing your traffic, will you use only one?

Of course not, right?

But there is a chance to fail when you are trying to manage them all.

But every problem has a solution.

We have advanced technical support that automates every component for you, like related social media posts, email, display ads, blog posts, etc.

They all work together with integrity. That's why we called it Integrated Digital Marketing.

Integrated Digital Marketing

Let me give you an example.

I love to bake. So, I searched for some recipes on YouTube.

After some time, baking-related things were everywhere.

When I opened Facebook, there were ads on how to bake without an oven. I also saw the same ads on blog posts.

My shopping apps also gave me suggestions to buy baking tools.

After seeing the continuous ads for three days, I finally bought a set of baking tools.

And this was the goal of the campaign.

  • Takeaway- The best way to Digital Marketing is to integrate it.

Now pause and think: Is that all? Does the company only want to sell its products?

No. It wants to make a brand.

A glass with drink and ice

Jokes apart, which makes your brand most successful?

The answer is when it is unique.

The concept of Personal Brands lies there.

Personal Branding

Personal brand with a super woman

Every brand and business is trying to sell its products.

But people still believe in people more than brands.

For example, you can take Bryan Adams.

Bryan Adams playing guitar

Do you know about Glass Tiger or Prism?

They are the bands of Bryan Adams. But most of the people aren't familiar with those names.

But when Bryan Adams sings a song in those bands, we know that his next album will be released soon. So, that grabs our attention.

That's how Personal Brands work.

But how do we make a personal Brand?

Let's look into it.

Learn- Learn a new skill that interests you. Demonstrate that you understand the concepts and remember the facts.

Work- Implement your practiced skills in the real world.

Blog- Write about your experience because writing helps you more to create your brand than anything.

Consult- Use your experiences and values by consulting with others' businesses and helping them to grow.

Mentor- Help and guide people who are eager to learn new skills.

Startup- Now, you have an understanding of the potential market. Build your Brand.

Mass Trust Blueprint

This is Mass Trust Bluprint. Deepak Kanakaraju made this.

Undoubtedly, he is one of the best Digital Marketers in our country.

You can join in Digital Deepak Internship Program if you want because you will learn A to Z of Digital Marketing here under his guidance.

  • Takeaway- People want to hear from people, not the brand.

This is the power of Personal Branding. The best-known will always beat the best.

Wrapping Up,

If you have come this far means you enjoy this article.

Thank you very much!

Let's summarize the understanding of the article.

  • Marketing always starts before creating the product. It has to wait for the potential market.
  • Marketing is not just about selling. It is also keeping your customers happy so that they can remain your customers for life.
  • Marketing is experimentation. It is science-based, not on creativity.
  • A great product converts your customers into brand ambassadors. Word-of-mouth marketing is the best marketing channel.
  • Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing are equally relevant. It depends on them to make it useful who uses their powers.
  • Marketing is just a game of developing trust.
  • Personal Branding helps to grow your enterprise, and it can give rise to many brands.

This is my view about the Laws of Marketing.

What do you think about it? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.



Anwesha Banerjee

Growth Writer📈| Freelance Writer on Various Platforms 📑| Medium Writer - Digital Marketing + Writing Tips & Tricks + Self-Experiences + Book Review & More. 🧠